Great Wildlife Moments is a nature documentary DVD (BBCDVD1131) introduced by David Attenborough and released on 17 November 2003.
It consists of a compilation of sequences from many of the BBC Natural History Unit's award-winning natural history series and specials, including Life on Earth, The Trials of Life, Wildlife on One and The Blue Planet. The featured clips are according to the habitats they were filmed in, including ocean, forest, jungle and desert.
Special features on the DVD include:
A commentary by the film-makers for some of the sequences
A list of heads of the Natural History Unit
A filmography of the Natural History Unit
"The Making Of" featurettes
vteDavid Attenborough's television and radio seriesThe Life series
Life on Earth (1979)
The Living Planet (1984)
The Trials of Life (1990)
Life in the Freezer (1993)
The Private Life of Plants (1995)
The Life of Birds (1998)
The Life of Mammals (2002)
Life in the Undergrowth (2005)
Life in Cold Blood (2008)
Other TV series
Zoo Quest (1954–63)
The People of Paradise (1960)
The Miracle of Bali (1969)
The Tribal Eye (1975)
Wildlife on One (1977)
The First Eden (1987)
Lost Worlds, Vanished Lives (1989)
BBC Wildlife Specials (1995–2008)
State of the Planet (2000)
The Blue Planet (2001)
Planet Earth (2006)
Are We Changing Planet Earth? (2006)
Nature's Great Events (2009)
Life (2009)
First Life (2010)
Madagascar (2011)
Frozen Planet (2011)
Attenborough: 60 Years in the Wild (2012)
Africa (2013)
David Attenborough's Natural Curiosities (episodes) (2013–)
David Attenborough's Rise of Animals: Triumph of the Vertebrates (2013)
Life Story (2014)
The Hunt (2015)
Other TV
Christmas Lecture: The Language of Animals (1973)
Horizon special: How Many People Can Live on Planet Earth? (2009)
Horizon: The Death of the Oceans? (2010)
other programmes as listed in filmography
3D programmes
and films
Flying Monsters 3D (2010)
The Bachelor King 3D (2011)
Kingdom of Plants 3D (2012)
Galapagos 3D (2013)
Micro Monsters 3D (2013)
David Attenborough's Natural History Museum Alive (2014)
David Attenborough's Conquest of the Skies 3D (2014)
DVD collections
Great Wildlife Moments (2003)
Attenborough in Paradise (2005)
The Life Collection (2005)
Life on Land (2008)
Scars of Evolution (2005)
David Attenborough's Life Stories (2009–11)
Tweet of the Day (2013–14)