Guru Paarvai is a 1998 Tamil thriller film directed by Manoj Kumar who earlier directed Vandicholai Chinnarasu with Sathyaraj. The film features Prakash Raj, Kushboo and Anju Aravind in lead roles. The film, produced by Manoj Kumar and N. J. Mothy, had musical score by Deva and was released on 15 August 1998 to positive reviews. The film was dubbed in Hindi as Naya Natwarlal, it was remade in Telugu as Veedu Samanyudu Kadhu starring Prakash Raj, reprising his role from the original, and in Hindi as Bhairav with Mithun Chakraborty.
^ "Filmography of guru paarvai". Retrieved 2012-12-10.
^ "Guru Paarvai : Movie Review". Retrieved 2012-12-10.
^ "GURUPAARVAI". Retrieved 2012-12-10.Synopsis
The film begins with Gurumurthy (Prakash Raj) who follows Pooja (Easwari Rao) like a mental. Gurumurthy claims to be Mahendra Boopathy in his past life and he was in love with Alamelu. According to him, Pooja looks like his lover Alamelu and Gurumurthy finally seduces her. They decide to get married but the day before their wedding, he foists prostitution charges on her and she is arrested.