Hami Tin Bhai (also Haami Teen Bhai) (Nepali: हामी तीन भाई, English: We Three Brothers) is a Nepali action, comedy film directed by Shiva Regmi. The film features Rajesh Hamal, Shree Krishna Shrestha and Nikhil Upreti in the lead roles. The movie was critically and commercially successful, with many critics highlighting its comedy and the actors' performance. It is one of the highest grossing films in Nepali film history. It is considered a classic movie by fans.Synopsis
The movie opens with an orphan boy called Hari, who earns his living by stealing shoes in temples and reselling them and begging. He meets two orphan boys, Ram and Laxman he adopts them as his brothers as he feels sorry for them. To ensure that Ram and Laxman can receive a good education, he leaves his life of crime and works honestly.