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Hello Daddy est un film avec Vishnuvardhan

Hello Daddy (1995)

Hello Daddy
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Durée 2h24

Hello Daddy (Kannada: ಹಲೋ ಡ್ಯಾಡಿ) is a 1996 Indian Kannada romantic drama film directed by Naganna and produced by Raju. The film features Vishnuvardhan, Sonakshi and Surabhi in the lead roles. The film was widely popular for the songs composed by Hamsalekha upon release.


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Laali (1996)
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Réalisé par Dinesh Baboo
Acteurs Vishnuvardhan, Shanthi Krishna, Mohini, Ramakrishna, Harish Kumar, C. R. Simha

Krishna(vishnuvardhan)is a well known architect.his only love is his daughter anju(mohini) and his life is filled with joy and happiness. Anju falls in love with Harish and her father is also happy with this. The film takes a twist when Anju begins to find a perfect bride for her lonely father and she finds her professor Shanthi as a suitable wife for Krishna. She invites the professor home and upon seeing Shanthi, Krishna is shocked. Later it is revealed that Shanthi is Krishna's wife and he left her and her family because of Anju and Anju is not his real daughter. He found her lying on the footpath and brought her home which led to their separation. Now Anju knows that truth, brings Shanthi home and calls her mother, much to chagrin of Krishna. He feels she is stealing his daughter from him and enters into stress and dilemma. Harish feels that he is in stress and needs a psychiatric's help and calls him home. But the situation goes wrong and Anju tells them to leave her father alone and throws them out of their home. Later, knowing her mistake she calls her mother back but in vain. So she writes a letter and leaves the house. Krishna tries to find her everywhere but fails. He comes back, but he sees Anju back home. She tells him that she will never leave him again. Krishna feels he punished Shanthi too much and calls her back. The film ends with all of them united together.