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Henry Aldrich, Boy Scout est un film américain de genre Comédie avec Jimmy Lydon

Henry Aldrich, Boy Scout (1944)

Henry Aldrich, Boy Scout
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Durée 1h6
Genres Comédie
Note63% 3.1881353.1881353.1881353.1881353.188135

Henry Aldrich, Boy Scout is a 1944 American comedy film directed by Hugh Bennett and written by Muriel Roy Bolton and Agnes Christine Johnston. The film stars Jimmy Lydon, Charles Smith, John Litel, Olive Blakeney, Joan Mortimer and Minor Watson. The film was released on January 13, 1944, by Paramount Pictures.


Jimmy Lydon

(Henry Aldrich)
Charles Smith

(Basil "Dizzy" Stevens)
John Litel

(Sam Aldrich)
Darryl Hickman

(Peter Kent)
Olive Blakeney

(Mrs. Aldrich)
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