High Finance is a 1933 British drama film, directed by George King and starring Gibb McLaughlin and Ida Lupino, which was marketed as "the drama of a man overwhelmed by his own success". It is now classed as a lost film.
^ Missing Believed Lost British Pictures Article Archive.Synopsis
Self-made businessman Sir Grant Rayburn (McLaughlin) is obsessed with making money to the exclusion of all else. He shows little interest in his daughter Jill (Lupino) and is irritated when she falls in love with, and wishes to marry, a young man named Tom (John Batten). Sir Grant does not believe Tom is a suitable match for Jill as he does not come from a moneyed background. He suspects that Tom is a chancer with an eye on access to Jill's money, and as she is still under age he refuses to give her consent to marry and considers the matter closed, with no concern for Jill's feelings.