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To Be a Lady est un film Britannique de genre Drame réalisé par George King avec Chili Bouchier

To Be a Lady (1934)

To Be a Lady
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Durée 1h8
Réalisé par
Genres Drame

To Be a Lady is a 1934 British romance drama, directed and produced by George King, and starring Chili Bouchier (credited here as Dorothy Bouchier) and Bruce Lester. The film is the first screen editing credit of American film editor Elmo Williams.


Diana Whitcombe (Bouchier) works at her aunt's country inn, but dreams of escaping to London and making her way in society. When chance provides her with the necessary funds, she makes her way to the big city and takes up employment in a hairdressing salon where she befriends French fellow assistant Annette (Ena Moon), and moves into the same hostel in which Annette is living.


Chili Bouchier

(Diana Whitcombe)
Bruce Lester

(Jerry Dean)
Vera Bogetti

(Countess Delavell)
Charles Cullum

(Dudley Chalfont)
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Source : Wikidata


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