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How About You... est un film de genre Drame avec Hayley Atwell

How About You... (2007)

How About You...
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Durée 1h40
Genres Drame,    Comédie
Note65% 3.2956853.2956853.2956853.2956853.295685

How About You is a 2007 Irish film directed by Anthony Byrne. The film is based on a short story sometimes published as "How About You" and sometimes published as "The Hard Core" in This Year It Will Be Different, a collection of short stories by Maeve Binchy. It tells the story of a young woman named Ellie who is left in charge of the residential home run by her older sister, during Christmas period. Most of the residents have gone with their families during the holidays, but four residents, known as the hardcore, remain. Their behavior will cause lots of trouble and will lead to the residence facing closure.


Ellie Harris (Hayley Atwell) goes to her sister Kate's (Orla Brady) residential home, Woodlane, in search of a job. Ellie has some trouble adjusting to her new job but quickly befriends a resident named Alice (Joan O'Hara). Ellie decides to have talks with Alice and neglects parts of her job, much to her sister's annoyance. She also has trouble doing what she is told by the residents. Because of her friendship with Alice, Ellie decides to help her feel better by taking her down to the river (which is against the nurse's orders) and giving her marijuana to ease her pain. The next day, however, Ellie finds out that Alice has died.


Hayley Atwell

(Ellie Harris)
Vanessa Redgrave

(Georgia Platts)
Joss Ackland

(Donald Vanston)
Brenda Fricker

(Heather Nightingale)
Imelda Staunton

(Hazel Nightingale)
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Bluray, DVD

Streaming / VOD

Source : Wikidata


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