Jesse Stone: Thin Ice is a 2009 American television mystery film directed by Robert Harmon and starring Tom Selleck, Kathy Baker, and Kohl Sudduth. Based on the characters from the Jesse Stone book series created by Robert B. Parker, the film is about the police chief of a small New England town who investigates a cryptic letter sent to the mother of a kidnapped child who was declared dead. Filmed on location in Nova Scotia, the story is set in the fictitious town of Paradise, Massachusetts. Jesse Stone: Thin Ice is the fifth in a series of nine television films based on the characters of Parker's Jesse Stone novels. The film received an American Society of Cinematographers Award for Outstanding Achievement in Cinematography, as well as a Canadian Society of Cinematographers Award for Best Cinematography in TV Drama for Rene Ohashi.Synopsis
"Alors qu'il est à Boston avec Healy, Jesse se fait tirer dessus. Son ami frôle la mort de très près et le chef de la police de Paradise compte bien découvrir qui est derrière cette tentative d'assassinat, tandis que le conseil municipal veut l'évincer. De son côté, Rose part à la recherche d'un enfant présumé mort, mais qui aurait été kidnappé et vivrait dans la région depuis 7 ans."