Stone Cold is a 2005 American television mystery film directed by Robert Harmon and starring Tom Selleck, Jane Adams, and Reg Rogers. Based on the 2003 novel Stone Cold by Robert B. Parker, the film is about the police chief of a small New England town who investigates a series of murders that occur with the same modus-operandi. Filmed on location in Nova Scotia, the story is set in the fictitious town of Paradise, Massachusetts. Stone Cold is the first in a series of nine television films based on Parker's Jesse Stone novels. The film first aired on the CBS television network February 20, 2005. Even though it was broadcast first in the series of films, it actually takes place after the second film of the series, Jesse Stone: Night Passage, which aired a year after this.Synopsis
Le shérif Jesse Stone coule des jours paisibles dans la ville de Paradise. Une série de meurtres odieux vient bouleverser cet équilibre tranquille. Bien décidé à retrouver l'assassin, il met tout en oeuvre pour remonter sa piste. Seul, lâché par ses supérieurs, il ira jusqu'au bout...