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Jim le vif est un film américain de genre Drame réalisé par Victor Schertzinger avec Charles Ray

Jim le vif (1917)

Sudden Jim

Jim le vif
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Réalisé par
Genres Drame,    Action

Jim le vif (titre original : Sudden Jim) est un film américain réalisé par Victor Schertzinger, sorti en 1917.


Lorsque son père Jimmy Ashe décide de lui confier la direction de l'usine, Jimmy Jr. hésite mais finit par accepter. Il va se retrouver aux prises avec Moran, un homme d'affaires corrompu, mais il va aussi trouver l'amour...


Charles Ray

(James Ashe, Jr.)
Joseph J. Dowling

(Juge Zanaan Frame)
Sylvia Breamer

(Marie Ducharme)
Lydia Knott

(la veuve Stickney)
Frank Whitson

(Rôle indéterminé)
Bande annonce de Jim le vif

Bluray, DVD

Streaming / VOD

Source : Wikidata


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Acteurs Charles Ray, Charles K. French, Margery Wilson, Lydia Knott
Note64% 3.2128653.2128653.2128653.2128653.212865
Isaac Nelson (French) is the tight-fisted president of a country bank and owns a farm, where his son Everett (Ray) works long hours every day, even on Sundays. Everett wears his father's cast-off clothes, and after his mother (Knott) buys him a mail order suit, Everett goes to a Fourth of July picnic. The father sees his wife doing on the farm doing the son's work and then trashes the son. Everett Nelson run off to the big city and gets a job as a janitor at a theater. There he meets a showman who puts him in a cabaret as a country dancer doing the "clodhopper slide," making $200 a week. Back in his hometown, rumors start to spread about Everett, creating a run on Mr. Nelson's bank. Everett's girlfriend, Mary Martin (Wilson), goes to New York to ask him for help and sways him to return home. Everett saves the bank and he and Mary get married.
His Mother's Boy, 50minutes
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Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Drame
Acteurs Charles Ray, William Elmer, Josef Swickard, Doris May, Jerome Storm, Gertrude Claire

As described in a film magazine, Matthew Denton (Ray) finds out that, because the Centipede oil wells do not pay a dividend, the villagers consider his father to be a swindler. He leaves his mother and New England home to go to Centipede, Texas, to ascertain the cause of the shortage of oil. He becomes an employee under the direction of Banty Jones (Elmer), foreman of the wells, and a crook. He falls in love with Mabel Glenny (May), whom Jones considers to be his "gal." When Mabel shows Matthew her engagement ring, Jones gives him a specified amount of time to get out of town. However, Matthew has found a valve that causes oil to be diverted to another company. He also learns that Jones is receiving the benefit from these stolen oil sales. A fight breaks out between the two men with Matthew the winner. Jones, humiliated, leaves, and Mabel is proud of Matthew. Back home the villagers are happy that the oil wells are safe and that dividends will be forthcoming again.
The Son of His Father, 50minutes
Réalisé par Victor Schertzinger
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Drame
Acteurs Charles Ray, Vola Vale, Robert McKim, George Nichols, Charles K. French, J.P. Lockney

As described in a film magazine, Gordon Carbhoy (Ray), the spoiled son of wealthy father James Carbhoy (French) who owns several railroads, is sent out by his father to turn $5,000 into $100,000, which the son claimed to be able to do. Gordon meets Silas Mallinsbee (Nichols) at Buffalo Falls, where the son is eager to have the railroad build a station at that point. Mallinsbee cannot come to an agreement with David Slosson (McKim), the representative of Gordon's father. Gordon takes things into his own hands and makes a captive of Slosson. When his father shows up, Gordon takes him captive also. Using his father's code, Gordon orders a train crew to come to Buffalo Falls and construction of the station begins. After work is well underway, Gordon brings his report to his father, who is proud of his son. By then the little love affair between Gordon and Hazel, daughter of Mallinsbee, comes to a head, and Hazel promises to become Gordon's wife.