Xtinction: Predator X (aka Alligator X) is an American Horror -
science fiction film released in 18 August, 2010 and directed by Amir Valinia. The story revolves around a strange Louisiana swamp creature, which was a cloned dinosaur pliosaurus by a scientific, the notable zoologist (and ex-husband of the protagonist, Laura Le Crois), Dr. Charles LeBlanc. The reptile is the return to the life of a crocodile ancestor, the "T-Rex” of the oceans, who was supposed to be extinct. The reptile attacks people and is supposed to being the largest predator on the planet. The protagonist, Laura Le Crois, will have to kill it.Synopsis
Après la disparition inexpliquée de son père, Laura retourne dans sa ville natale pour y refaire sa vie. Elle récupère l'entreprise de bateaux gérée par son père et propose des excursions en bateau dans les marécages de Louisiane. De nouvelles disparitions surviennent et inquiètent les habitants. Il s'avère qu'un dangereux prédateur rode dans les parages.