Kannukku Kannaga is a 2000 Tamil drama film directed by S. Dhayalan. The film features Murali, Devayani, Vindhya and Raja in lead roles. The film, produced by Henry, had musical score by Deva and was released on 26 October 2000.Synopsis
Dharma (Murali) and Devi (Devayani) are sibling and are very close. Devi (Devayani) and Arun (Raja) fall in love but Selvi cannot reveal her love to her kindly brother. Dharma, knowing her love, accepts for the marriage although the astrologer (Charuhasan) says that, if his sister gets married with Arun and they had a male child, Dharma will die definitely. Few months later, they have a male child called Vijay (Master Vasanth) and Dharma's death countdown begins.