Karnaparvam is a 1977 Indian Malayalam film, directed by Babu Nanthankodu and produced by Babu Nanthankodu. The film stars Jayabharathi, KPAC Lalitha, Bahadoor and K. P. Ummer in lead roles. The film had musical score by G. Devarajan.
GenresDrame, Fantasy, Action ActeursPrem Nazir, K. P. Ummer, Adoor Bhasi, Jayabharathi, Bahadoor, Mohan Sharma Note63% The story pivots around the mysterious death of Raja Vamana Varma, the king of a small city-state in Kerala. A huge bronze statue of the king murders several people with a sword. It is believed that the ghost of the king enters the statue and commits the murders. The statue attempts to murder the queen, Gayathri Devi, and her five-year-old son. The queen escapes and the prince runs away from the palace.