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Kurobara fujin est un film de genre Drame réalisé par Shōgorō Nishimura avec Naomi Tani

Kurobara fujin (1978)

Kurobara fujin
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Durée 1h12
Réalisé par
Genres Drame,    Horreur
Themes La mer,    Sexualité,    Transport,    Erotique
Note72% 3.6375953.6375953.6375953.6375953.637595

Lady Black Rose (黒薔薇夫人, Kurobara fujin) aka Madame Black Rose is a 1978 Japanese film in Nikkatsu's Roman porno series, directed by Shōgorō Nishimura and starring Naomi Tani.


Saori is the wealthy, unfaithful wife of the impotent Kosaku. When she returns from a trip abroad, Tsumura, Kosaku's assistant, meets her and takes Saori to an apartment. There Tsumura rapes her and submits her to various sexual tortures while she is photographed by photo-journalist Tayama. Her husband, Kosaku uses the photographs to blackmail Saori into giving him control of the family estate. Saori is returned to her mansion, but kept in a cage in the basement where she is subjected to regular bouts of abuse from Tsumura. Besides rape, other indignities endured by Lady Saori include breast bondage, enemas and the insertion of hen's eggs into her vagina. After Kosaku dies from a stroke, Saori realizes that she has come to enjoy Tsumura's treatment.


Naomi Tani

(Saori Nanbara)
Source : Wikidata


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