Back to God's Country is a 1919 Canadian drama film directed by David Hartford. It is one of the earliest Canadian feature films. The film starred Canadian actress Nell Shipman. With an estimated budget of over $67,000, it became one of the first major Canadian pictures.
The film is noteworthy as it starred Nell Shipman and was produced by her husband, Ernest Shipman. It was the most successful silent film in Canadian history. Nell Shipman was one of the first women to do a nude scene on screen in the movie.
In 1918, Nell Shipman created a production company called Shipman Curwood Producing Company to produce Back to God’s Country. The film was the only film the company would produce. This film was based on a short story written by Curwood.
Curwood's work was adapted to the screen by Nell herself. Nell also was the lead of the film, which featured her in a controversial nude scene. She adapted the protagonist of the film from the Great Dane, Wapi to the female lead, Delores. Shipman also shaped her character into a heroine, who saves the lead man. Curwood was infuriated with Nell because she changed the scenario of his short story. Commercially, the film was extremely successful, posting a 300% profit by grossing a million and a half dollars.Synopsis
« L’Instinct qui veille » (Back to God’s Country) est le premier long métrage produit au Canada, par des Canadiens. Ce film raconte l’histoire de Delores LeBeau, qui entreprend un voyage périlleux dans l’Arctique avec son mari, à bord d’un navire commandé secrètement par celui qui s’avère être l’assassin de son père. Dans une séquence mouvementée, Delores doit sauver son mari des griffes du méchant Rydal et survivre dans l’environnement hostile de l’Arctique.