Thy Will Be Done is a 2015 Nigerian drama film, written by Tobe Osigwe, produced by Mary Njoku, co-produced and directed by Obi Emelonye. It stars Ramsey Nouah, Mercy Johnson, Jide Kosoko, Mary Njoku and Enyinna Nwigwe.Synopsis
Thy Will Be Done is the story of Pius (Ramsey Nouah), a happily married pastor in charge of a large church in Lagos, Nigeria. But when his first wife (Mary Njoku) that he buried 7 years ago suddenly shows up, his world is thrown into turmoil. His present wife (Mercy Johnson) tries to fight her corner but Pius has a choice to make…between his calling and his wives; between old sins and new loyalties; between taking firm action and surrendering to God’s will. Weakened by guilt and overwhelmed by sensational revelations, nothing would have prepared Pius for how rapidly things would descend into violent chaos…for hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.