La Famille Hardy en vacances (titre original : You're Only Young Once) est un film américain réalisé par George B. Seitz et sorti en 1937.
C'est le second film où apparaît le personnage d'Andy Hardy interprété par Mickey Rooney, qui devient progressivement le point focal de la série.Synopsis
The Hardy family goes to Catalina for a two-week vacation, where Judge Hardy (Lewis Stone) tries to catch a swordfish, Marian (Cecilia Parker) falls in love with a married lawyer/lifeguard, and Andy goes around with a "sophisticated" girl. They return home to Carvel to find that by having endorsed a note for Frank Redmond (Frank Craven), Judge Hardy has lost all their property to Hoyt Wells (Selmer Jackson). Luckily, through an old law that Judge Hardy learned about while fishing with Capt. Swenson (Charles Judels), their home is saved and Hoyt Wells is run out of town.