Lemon Tree Passage is a 2013 Australian horror/thriller film that was directed by David James Campbell and is his feature film directorial debut. The film received an Australian release and stars Andrew Ryan, Tim Phillipps, Pippa Black, Jessica Tovey, and Tim Pocock as a group of backpackers that find themselves in the midst of strange occurrences. The movie's premise is based upon an urban legend that claims that if a motorist speeds along Lemon Tree Passage Road in Lemon Tree Passage, New South Wales, they will see a ghost.
^ Brown, TOdd. "Check The First Poster Art For David Campbell's LEMON TREE PASSAGE". Twitch Film. Retrieved 26 September 2014.
^ Keene, Neil. "Road ghost star of horror movie". Herald Sun. Retrieved 26 September 2014.
^ McGowan, Michael. "Lemon Tree Passage ghost hits big scream, video". The Herald. Retrieved 26 September 2014.Synopsis
Deux Australiens emmènent trois randonneurs américains voir le "lemon tree passage" (passage du citronnier), où d'après la légende locale, le fantôme d'un motard inviterait les jeunes conducteurs à ralentir...