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Les passions oubliées est un film de genre Drame réalisé par Don Sharp avec Sharon Stone

Les passions oubliées (1988)

Les passions oubliées
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Durée 1h40
Réalisé par
Genres Drame,    Romance
Note58% 2.9000552.9000552.9000552.9000552.900055

Tears in the Rain is a 1988 television movie directed by Don Sharp (his final film) and starring Sharon Stone and Christopher Cazenove. It was one of a series of films produced in the Harlequin Romance Movie Series (USA).

The film is based on the novel of the same name written by Pamela Wallace and published in the Silhouette Special Edition line of romance novels in 1985 by Simon & Schuster before the Silhouette brand was acquired by Harlequin. There are alterations to the plot line made by the screenwriter but the essential story has stayed the same. The action and events take place in two time periods in England, the 1940s and the 1980s. The World War Two story is told in flashbacks.


Une jeune Américaine et un lord anglais tombent amoureux, sans se douter que leurs parents respectifs cachent un lourd secret.


Sharon Stone

(Casey Cantrell)
Christopher Cazenove

(Michael Bredon)
Leigh Lawson

(Hamdan al Dubai)
Maurice Denham

Anna Massey

(Lady Emily)
Stephanie Cole

(Billie Cooper)
Bande annonce de Les passions oubliées

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Source : Wikidata


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