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Let Me Explain, Dear est un film Britannique de genre Comédie réalisé par Gene Gerrard avec Gene Gerrard

Let Me Explain, Dear (1933)

Let Me Explain, Dear
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Durée 1h15
Réalisé par
Genres Comédie
Note55% 2.767542.767542.767542.767542.76754

Let Me Explain, Dear is a 1932 British comedy film directed by Gene Gerrard and Frank Miller and starring Gerrard, Viola Lyel and Claude Hulbert. It was adapted from the play A Little Bit of Fluff by Walter Ellis. It was made by British International Pictures. A man tries to fake an accident in order to claim insurance money, but things soon go awry.


Gene Gerrard

(George Hunter)
Viola Lyel

(Angela Hunter)
Claude Hulbert

(Cyril Merryweather)
Jane Carr

Amy Veness

(Aunt Fanny)
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