The Tourist is an upcoming indie-drama film written and directed by Evan Oppenheimer, it stars Brett Dalton, Stana Katic, Alessandra Mastronardi, Marco Bonini, Alessandro Preziosi and Emily Atack. The film follows a heartbroken former college football star who gets in over his head with a dangerous Florentine sport and an alluring local woman.
The sport played in the film is Calcio Fiorentino. It an archaic form of football that has been played in Italy since the sixteenth century.
^ Beatrice Belli (May 25, 2014). "The Mastronardi in a movie with Brett Dalton and Stana Katic". kikapress. Retrieved August 30, 2014.
^ Sarah Jones (June 24, 2014). "Castle’s Stana Katic in CUTEST pic with Brett Dalton on set of The Tourist!". Retrieved August 30, 2014.
^ The Deadline Team (May 16, 2014). "Robin Tunney & Sarah Bolger Join ‘My All American'; Brett Dalton In ‘Tourist'; Tessa Thompson Cast In ‘Selma'; Joel Lambert Books ‘American Sniper’". Retrieved August 30, 2014.Synopsis
Eric Lazard (Dalton) is a heartbroken former college football star who gets in over his head with a dangerous Florentine sport and an alluring local woman, Stephanie (Mastronardi), whilst visiting Anna (Katic), his cousin, who lives in Italy and teaches the Italian language to foreigners.