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Love on a Budget est un film américain de genre Comédie réalisé par Herbert I. Leeds avec Jed Prouty

Love on a Budget (1938)

Love on a Budget
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Durée 1h
Réalisé par
Genres Comédie
Note56% 2.83992.83992.83992.83992.8399

Love on a Budget is a 1938 American comedy film directed by Herbert I. Leeds and starring Jed Prouty, Shirley Deane and Spring Byington. It was part of Twentieth Century Fox's Jones Family series of films. The Jones' eldest daughter Bonnie and her husband Herbert Thompson have money troubles, which their uncle attempts to help out with.

The film's sets were designed by the art directors Chester Gore and Bernard Herzbrun.


Jed Prouty

(John Jones)
Shirley Deane

(Bonnie Jones Thompson)
Spring Byington

(Louise Jones)
Russell Gleason

(Herbert Thompson)
Alan Dinehart, Sr.

(Uncle Charles Dixon)
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Just Off Broadway, 1h5
Réalisé par Herbert I. Leeds
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Drame, Comédie, Action, Noir, Policier, Romance
Thèmes Films pour enfants
Acteurs Lloyd Nolan, Marjorie Weaver, Phil Silvers, Janis Carter, Richard Derr, Joan Valerie
Note60% 3.0471953.0471953.0471953.0471953.047195
Michael Shayne (Lloyd Nolan), a private investigator, flees from jury duty to prove the defendant's guilt. He and his girlfriend Judy Taylor (Marjorie Weaver), a reporter, begin looking into the suspect's alibis and discover that in addition to the murder he stands trial for, the man has also killed two others. Afterward, the detective is jailed of 60 days for defecting from the jury.