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Madhuve Madu Tamashe Nodu est un film avec Vishnuvardhan

Madhuve Madu Tamashe Nodu (1983)

Madhuve Madu Tamashe Nodu
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Durée 2h18
Note26% 1.3178751.3178751.3178751.3178751.317875

Maduve Madu Thamashe Nodu (Kannada: ಮದುವೆ ಮಾಡು ತಮಾಷೆ ನೋಡು) is a 1986 Indian Kannada film, directed by Sathya and produced by Dwarakish. The film stars Vishnuvardhan, Aarathi, Dwarkish and Jai Jagadish in lead roles. The film had musical score by Vijayanand.


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