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Max Steel: Countdown est un film américain de genre Action avec Chistian Campbell

Max Steel: Countdown (2005)

Max Steel: Countdown
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Durée 51minutes
Genres Action,    Aventure,    Animation
Note69% 3.4908453.4908453.4908453.4908453.490845

Max Steel: Countdown is a 2006 film and the third direct-to-DVD movie based on the series and action figure line.


After years of searching, Max and 'Berto have managed to locate the late Psycho's base. With 'Berto's help, Max manages to sneak into Psycho's base. Once inside, Max finds that Psycho stole the "Imploder": A machine that condenses all surrounding matter into a miniature black hole. As Max approaches the Imploder, a hologram of Psycho's face appears above it. It tells Max that, if he is seeing this, then he, Psycho, is dead. He then tells Max that he is going to destroy everything with the Imploder. Max is about to deactivate the Imploder, when Psycho tells him that he left Max some company inside the base: Over 100 androids, similar to the android in "Endangered Species," are waiting to be given the order to attack Max. Psycho gives the order, and the droids attack Max, stopping him from deactivating the Imploder. After a long battle, 'Berto hacks into Psycho's mainframe, and shuts them down. Max, extremely weak and low on T-juice, manages to shut down the Imploder, saving Earth.


Chistian Campbell

(Max Steel (voice))
Scott McNeil

(Jefferson (voice))
Alessandro Juliani

(Berto (voice))
Lisa Ann Beley

(N-Tek Computer (voice))
Michael Donovan

(Dr. Hershnev)
Brian Drummond

(Pyscho (voice))
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Streaming / VOD

Source : Wikidata


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Max Steel: Endangered Species, 1h6
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Science-fiction, Comédie, Action, Animation
Acteurs Chistian Campbell, Michael Donovan, Brian Drummond, Scott McNeil, Venus Terzo, Alessandro Juliani
Note66% 3.329363.329363.329363.329363.32936
In this movie, Psycho and Bio-Con join forces to transform humanity into mutants who will be ruled by them. At one point, Psycho betrays Bio-Con, making him be trapped by a Psycho-robot (who looks like a silver-colored Psycho) who later self-destructs so that Psycho can rule the world instead of "sharing" it. Max tracks down Psycho and fights him. After the fight, Psycho attacks Max and 'Berto while they're trying to turn off the machine. Max kicks Psycho into the air, landing him into his own mutating device, which explodes. At the end of the movie, Elementor, a clone of Bio-Con, awakens, later to be the villain of the second movie and the new villain of the toyline.
Max Steel: Dark Rival, 51minutes
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Action, Animation
Acteurs Chistian Campbell, Scott McNeil, Alessandro Juliani, Lisa Ann Beley, Brian Drummond, Elias Toufexis
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Max Steel Bio Crisis, 47minutes
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Action, Animation
Acteurs Chistian Campbell, Alessandro Juliani, Christopher Judge, Lisa Ann Beley, Mark Oliver, Elias Toufexis
Note63% 3.1596453.1596453.1596453.1596453.159645
Max has to investigate a contaminated jungle, and travels from outer space to the center of the earth in his quest to unveil this mystery. At the beginning of the story it is mentioned that the last battle against Extroyer has permanently crippled the Adrenalink system, forcing Max to go back to an updated version of Going Turbo!, (A complete explanation of this new energy system appears in Turbo Missions Episode 12: Relaunch). In this movie, a new enemy, the nefarious Doctor Gregor Mendel makes his first presentation, and it is revealed that Iago has been working for him from the beginning, secretly stealing technology from Eclipse. Mendel has constructed an android named Cytro, who's prime directive is help him in his plans to take control of the contaminated jungle and destroy Max in the process. Accidentally, the programming of Cytro is scrambled and for a couple of hours thinks he must protect Max instead of fighting him. However, he is aware of the malfunction, and constantly mentions how much time is left until he will be "authorized" again to kill Max. Thanks to the information retrieved by Iago, Dr. Mendel located Elementor immediately after the battle in Dark Rival, and taking advantage of his unconsciousness, takes him prisoner to perform new experiments which turn him into Fire Elementor. In an effort to synthesize Morphosos Crystals, Dr. Mendel uses fragments recovered from Extroyer's body partially contaminated with Troy Winter's DNA. As a result, creates an Extroyer clone instead by accident. Taking his opportunity while Max is busy fighting Fire Elementor, the clone absorbs the comet fragment into his body, and becomes a giant monster. Despite the fact he is currently in "evil mode", Cytro makes one last supreme effort to stop him and reverts the effect of the crystals, causing an explosion which reduces both to smithereens.
Max Steel: Forces of Nature, 52minutes
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Action, Animation
Acteurs Chistian Campbell, Scott McNeil, Alessandro Juliani, Meghan Black, Kathleen Barr, Michael Donovan
Note66% 3.30323.30323.30323.30323.3032
In this movie, Jefferson Smith gets to Bio-Con's base. There he finds several Bio-Con's creations in stasis, most of them failed experiments, with an exception: one of them, codenamed Elementor, wakes up and looks for five different Elementium Isotopes stored in different locations. Each isotope grants hims the power to control and mimic one specific element: Earth, Water, Air, and Fire (Bio-Con used half of these to mutate his clone with). Once in possession of these 4 ones, the power to control Metal and Ice is granted as an extra bonus. One by one, Elementor absorbs the Isotopes and gains new powers. Then Jefferson puts Max under arrest, but Max is able to break free, while Elementor attacks N-Tek saying he wants Steel or he will destroy the base. Max and Jeff find a way to escape but before they succeed, Jefferson reveals to Max that years ago after he was transformed into Max Steel in order to save his life the 5th Elementium Isotope was placed inside Max's body (when he was given transfasic energy ), and that is why he put him under house arrest since no one knows what will happen if the last Isotope is removed or extracted from his body. Max Steel fights Elementor who uses his new abilities to his advantage. After a brief confrontation with Elementor, Berto and Kat discovers that the fifth isotope makes the others go haywire, so Max decides to confront Elementor instead of running away. At the final battle, Max releases all of the power of the 5th Isotope until its overcharge destroys Elementor.
G.I. Joe: Spy Troops, 45minutes
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Note51% 2.5829552.5829552.5829552.5829552.582955
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