Mickey the Detective is a 1928 silent short film in Larry Darmour's Mickey McGuire series starring a young Mickey Rooney. Directed by Albert Herman, the two-reel short was released to theaters in 1928 by FBO.
Mickey and the Scorpions starts his own detective agency. Stinkie Davis kidnaps Mickey's Kid Brudder and hides him in a box headed for a science professor. Mickey and the gang catch up with Mickey's brother, but soon get into a fight with Stinkie and his pals. The kids use some of the Professor's bombs as ammunition; these bombs just so happen to contain chemicals similar to laughing gas, and they literally make the kids high as a kite. Stinkie finally throws a high explosive bomb, which lands in the mouth of Buster, the Scorpions' dog. The bomb is set to go off at a certain time of the day. Wanting to avoid getting blown up, the kids are forced to avoid Buster at all costs.
It's time for Mickey and the kids to go back to school. During a game of tug-of-war against Stinkie Davis and his pals, the kids accidentally start a fire in the school.
Mickey and the Gang espire to be like Christopher Columbus and explore new worlds. Mickey competes against Stinkie Davis in order to borrow Mary Ann's father's boat for the exploring. When Mickey loses, he and the Gang use their own boat. Later, the kids travel to a 'new world' (actually a small area close to home) and find themselves up against Native Americans, skeletons, and a real-live bear.
, 20minutes Réalisé parAlbert Herman OrigineEtats-Unis GenresComédie ActeursMickey Rooney, Jimmy Robinson, Kendall McComas, Marvin Stephens Note50% Stinkie Davis invites Mickey and the Scorpions to his rodeo. His invitation is actually a ploy to prank McGuire and his pals. However, things don't exactly go as planned for Stinkie. The kids partake in various picnic games, and Hambone gets into a headbutting contest with a goat.
Mickey and the Gang befriend a couple of hobos who refer to themselves as 'The Baron' and 'Earl'. The two bums are arrested after being accused of stealing two of Mayor Davis' suits (actually given to them by Stinkie Davis). Mickey believes that Mayor Davis' friend, a doctor, is the real thief. Mickey and Hambone pay the doctor a visit in order to prove that he is a fake and a crook.
, 18minutes Réalisé parAlbert Herman OrigineEtats-Unis ActeursMickey Rooney, Billy Barty, Jimmy Robinson, Fern Emmett, Marvin Stephens Note53% Mickey's gang and Stinkey's gang are all attending a high society lawn party. Mickey's pals eventually put on a show in which they sing about bringing peace to the world. All goes well until Stinkie's Gang starts trouble.