Miss Tanakpur Haazir Ho is an Indian political satire film directed by Vinod Kapri, released on 26 June 2015. Inspired by true events, the film centers on a love story set in a village of Haryana. The lead actor is Annu Kapoor who is the head of the village. It also features Om Puri, Rahul Bagga, Ravi Kishan, Sanjay Mishra and Hrishita Bhatt in supporting roles. The movie also features an item number "Naach Basanti" (English: Dance Basanti). The film was originally scheduled to be released on 19 June, but was postponed as director Vinod Kapri wanted to avoid conflict with the film ABCD 2, which is set for release on 19 June.
The movie trailer crossed a million views on social media within just three days of its launch, an accomplishment that Mohar Basu of Times of India describes as unprecedented for a political satire film and for a film with a small budget. In few articles it is also mentioned that the movie has got good reviews from the megastar Amitabh Bachchan, filmmaker Rajkumar Hirani and film director Subhash Kapoor.
The movie is based on real life incidents, where people were accused in similar false cases. It is a reflection of the society where Politicians use the state machinery to extract personal revenge.
The movie is produced by Vinay Tiwari with executive producer Rajeev Sharma, Crossword Films Pvt. Ltd..Synopsis
Sualaal is head of the village, Tanakpur. He is wealthy, chauvinist & impotent. He has married at a late age & his wife Maya is much younger to him. They tend to ignore each other. Arjun a young lad of the village, wins her heart & they meet when Sualaal is not around.