My Name Is David is an American drama film produced by Keith Powell and Jonathan Whittaker, written by Howard Emanuel and Keith Powell, and directed by Chris Gallego Wong. The film stars Keith Powell as David, a prescription drug addict who finds an abandoned baby on the subway. The film also stars Judy Reyes, Adepero Oduye, Otto Sanchez, Anthony Chisholm, and Rich Sommer. It had its premiere at the San Luis Obispo International Film Festival in March 2015. As a narrative device, none of the characters are named, with the exception of the main protagonist, David.Synopsis
David Howard, an obsessive-compulsive workaholic with a severe addiction to prescription drugs, struggles to find order in a world full of chaos. Desperately in search of a life better than the one he leads, David often relies on his neighbor, a hot-tempered single mother trying to make ends meet.