Mystery (浮城謎事) is a 2012 Chinese drama film directed by Lou Ye. This is Lou Ye's seventh film but only the second (with Purple Butterfly in 2003) to have been released in his own country. The story is based on a series of posts under the title of "This Is How I Punish A Cheating Man And His Mistress" (《看我如何收拾贱男与小三》), which has over one million hits. "Mystery is beautiful and violent, both in the emotions it deals with and the scenes that display them. It echoes some of contemporary China's own problems, such as corruption, money, ambiguity and morality," says Brice Pedroletti in his review on The Guardian
The film competed in the Un Certain Regard section at the 2012 Cannes Film Festival. At the 7th Asian Film Awards the film won the Asian Film Award for Best Film.Synopsis
Lu Jie est loin d'imaginer que son mari Yongzhao mène une double vie, jusqu'au jour ou elle le voit entrer dans un hôtel avec une jeune femme. La vie de Lu Jie s'effondre alors, et ce n’est que le début... La jeune femme meurt renversée par une voiture peu de temps après. Le policier en charge de l'affaire refuse de croire à un accident...