Nanbargal is a 1991 Tamil romance film directed by Shoba Chandrasekar. The film features Neeraj, Mamta Kulkarni, Vivek, Dinesh, Sundar and Shily Kapoor in lead roles. The film, produced by Vijay, was released on 14 February 1991. The film songs was composed by Babul Bose and the film score was composed by Sangeetha Rajan. The film did well at the box-office and it was later remade in Hindi as Mera Dil Tere Liye by S. A. Chandrasekhar which flopped.Synopsis
Vijay (Neeraj), Gopi (Vivek), Salim, Beeda and Bheema are good friends and classmates. Priya, a rich and very arrogant girl, has first quarrels with Vijay. Vijay first loved her but she ridicules him and hurts him. When his friends tries to teach a lesson to Priya, Vijay saves her and they both fall in love. Whereas, Priya's father (Prathapachandran), an influential businessman, is ready to break their relationship.