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National Red Cross Pageant est un film américain de genre Drame réalisé par Christy Cabanne avec Edith Wynne Matthison

National Red Cross Pageant (1917)

National Red Cross Pageant
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Réalisé par
Genres Drame
Note14% 0.704870.704870.704870.704870.70487

National Red Cross Pageant (1917) is an all-star revue silent film, now considered a lost film, directed by Christy Cabanne.


Vogue magazine (November 15, 1917) wrote about the production: "In the open-air theatre at “Rosemary Farm,” the Long Island estate of Mr. Roland R. Conklin was given, early in October, a most gorgeous pageant, which proved to be, at the same time, one of the most successful of war benefits. This pageant, which consisted of episodes from the history of each of the Allied nations, and the presentation of the case of each Ally before the bar of Truth, Justice, and Liberty, was organized by actors and actresses of the American stage as their contribution to the American Red Cross. It had been long in preparation, and many noted men and women had given generously of their time and effort, --an effort which found its reward, for this single performance brought a net profit of fifty thousand dollars, and the motion picture films which will carry the pageant all over the country will afford an additional income to the Red Cross for some time to come.


Edith Wynne Matthison

Ethel Barrymore

(Flanders / Belgium - Flemish & Final episodes)
Douglas Wood

(Herald - Flemish episode)
Kitty Gordon

(Bruges - Flemish episode)
Olive Tell

(Louvain - Flemish episode)
Bande annonce de National Red Cross Pageant

Bluray, DVD

Streaming / VOD

Source : Wikidata


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