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Nee Thanda Kanike est un film réalisé par Dwarakish avec Vishnuvardhan

Nee Thanda Kanike (1984)

Nee Thanda Kanike
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Durée 2h12
Réalisé par
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Nee Thanda Kanike (Kannada: ನೀ ತಂದ ಕಾಣಿಕೆ) is a 1985 Indian Kannada film, directed by Dwarakish and produced by Dwarakish. The film stars Vishnuvardhan, Girish Karnad, Jayasudha and C. R. Simha in lead roles. The film had musical score by Vijayanand.


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Source : Wikidata


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Genres Drame
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Vijay (Rajinikanth) is a professional photographer who falls in love with a rich girl,Priya(Sridevi). They marry against her parents' wishes. But soon the marriage is on the rocks due to the difference in their backgrounds. They have a fight and Priya goes back to her parents' house. After a few days, Priya stomach aches a lot. The doctor says that she is pregnant. Hearing this news, Priya is ready to mend fences with Vijay. She wants to go and tell him the news. But her dad does not allow her to go as he had fixed her marriage with someone else. But she gives her dad the slip and goes to Vijay's house, just to find out that he vacated the place recently.