Never Put It in Writing is a 1964 British comedy film directed by Andrew L. Stone and starring Pat Boone, Milo O'Shea, Fidelma Murphy and Reginald Beckwith. While in Ireland an insurance executive learns that somebody else has been promoted over his head. He writes an abusive letter to his bosses, only to discover that he is to be given another important post with the company. He desperately tries to recover the letter before it reaches his bosses.
Stephen Cole est un jeune irlandais avec du caractère, qui pense qu'il mérite une promotion de son employeur. Il soupçonne son patron de népotisme. Stephen envoie une lettre caustique à la société, mais entre temps il reçoit la promotion qu'il attendait encore. Il doit comme un fou courir derrière cette lettre afin de l'intercepter.