No Entry Pudhe Dhoka Aahe is a Marathi comedy film released on 7 September 2012. The film was directed by Ankush Choudhary and produced by Prem Rajagopalan and Nikhil Saini. The film stars Ankush Choudhary, Bharat Jadhav, Aniket Vishwasrao, Kranti Redkar, Manwa Naik, Sai Lokur, Sai Tamhankar and Paddy Kambli. It's a remake of 2002 Tamil film Charlie Chaplin.Synopsis
No Entry Pudhe Dhoka Aahe opens its doors to reveal the lives of three men. Krishna 'the married man'. Sunny ' the bachelor' and Prem,' the married bachelor'. Ironically, while the faithful Krishna has a very suspicious Kaajal as his wife, playboy Prem has a trusting wife Pooja. And there is Sunny's-to-be wife Sanjana, who is a bit of both.