Occupant is a 2011 American thriller film featuring Van Hansis as Danny, a young New Yorker about to inherit an old apartment. It was written by Jonathan Brett and directed by Henry S. Miller and shot in New York City, USA. It also stars Cody Horn and Thorsten Kaye.
The film premiered on the opening night of the Gotham Screen Film Festival & Screenplay Contest on October 14, 2011 in New York City. On October 18, 2011, the film was released on-demand in many cable systems and on most digital platforms (i.e., iTunes, Amazon, Blockbuster, PlayStation) in the U.S. and Canada. A full list of providers, as well as trailers, interviews and other information can be viewed at the movie's website. The DVD will be released in November 2011.Synopsis
La grand-mère de Danny Hill vient de mourir, lui donnant ainsi l'opportunité d'emménager dans son ancien appartement à Manhattan. La seule condition est qu'il doit s'y enfermer pendant douze jours avant qu'il ne puisse reprendre le bail. Néanmoins il semble que Danny ne soit pas le seul occupant.