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Osmanlı Kartalı est un film de genre Drame réalisé par Osman Fahir Seden avec Cüneyt Arkın

Osmanlı Kartalı (1969)

Osmanlı Kartalı
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Réalisé par
Genres Drame,    Guerre
Note61% 3.095753.095753.095753.095753.09575

Ottoman Eagle (Turkish: Osmanlı Kartalı) is a Turkish historic action movie by Osman F. Seden, released in 1969.


The film tells the story of the Turkish warlord İslam Bey, portrayed by Cüneyt Arkın. İslam Bey sneaks into a Russian castle where the plans of a Russian attack on Ottoman territory is being planned. He presents himself as a Russian prince to the commander of the castle and tries to slow down the war preparations of the Russian side while the Ottoman forces are awaiting reinforcement.


Cüneyt Arkın

(İslam / Fedoral XY3 / İvan)
Nubar Terziyan
Bande annonce de Osmanlı Kartalı

Bluray, DVD

Streaming / VOD

Source : Wikidata


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Kara Murat: Şeyh Gaffar'a Karşı, 1h25
Réalisé par Ernst Hofbauer
Genres Guerre, Action, Aventure, Historique
Acteurs Cüneyt Arkın, Daniela Giordano, Turgut Özatay
Note57% 2.8937752.8937752.8937752.8937752.893775
By the year 1456, Mehmed the Conqueror (Bora Ayanoğlu) has decided to extend the borders of his empire to the east, at the lands of the Aq Qoyunlu. However, Sheikh Gaffar (Pasquale Basile), ruler of a heretic sect near Kharput defies the Sultan's rule and imprisons the ambassadors sent by him. Sultan Mehmed commissions Kara Murat to assassinate Gaffar.