Father Christmas is a 1991 animated short based on two books written by Raymond Briggs: Father Christmas and Father Christmas Goes on Holiday, published in 1973 and 1975 respectively. It was first aired in Britain in 1991 on Channel 4, nine years after The Snowman, another animated Briggs adaptation produced for the same channel. This movie was dedicated to the late actor John McGuire. The film was first released on DVD in 2000, bundled with The Snowman. It was later released separately.
Voiced by comedian Mel Smith, the title character physically resembles a stereotypical vision of Father Christmas, with a large white beard and red suit. However, in a down-to-earth twist, he is depicted as rather grumpy, is shown coping with everyday domestic chores, and lives on his own in a small house in contemporary Britain.
This Father Christmas later appeared in a television advertisement, enjoying a Kit Kat after returning home from his deliveries.Synopsis
Mais que fait le Père Noël après la nuit du 24 décembre ? Qui s'occupe de ses rennes toute l’année, et du jardin, et du courrier ? Son traineau transformé en caravane, il part à la découverte de la France et de ses bons petits plats, de l'Ecosse à Las Vegas... Un voyage mouvementé, mais qui ne fera pas oublier à ce bougon, grognon, glouton de revenir à temps pour distribuer ses cadeaux.