Perkins' 14 is a 2009 horror film originated by Jeremy Donaldson, written by Lane Shadgett, and directed by Craig Singer. The film is produced by Jeremy Donaldson, Matthew Kuipers, and Christopher Milburn. The film was released theatrically nationwide January 9, 2009. The DVD which includes the 10 making-of webisodes from the Massify Ghosts in the Machine Competition was released on March 31, 2009.Synopsis
Ten years after officer Dwayne Hopper’s son disappeared, the last of 14 victims in a string of local unsolved disappearances, his suspicions are aroused by prison inmate Ronald Perkins (Richard Brake). Dwayne searches Perkins’ house and discovers a collection of torture videos featuring the missing victims from the past. In a fit of rage, Dwayne kills Perkins. But things get complicated when a wave of carnage sweeps the town, with reports of Dwayne’s own son amongst the marauding psychopaths.