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Pheray est un film réalisé par Nazir avec Swaran Lata

Pheray (1949)

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Réalisé par
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Pheray was a Pakistani Punjabi film released on July 28, 1949. The film was directed by Nazir Ahmed. The story of the film was a copy of Nazir's own film Gaon Ki Gori, that was released in 1945 in India before partition. The music of Pheray was given by Ghulam Ahmed Chishti and lyrics were written by G. A. Chishti and Baba Alam Siaposh. The singers were Munawar Sultana and Inayat Hussain Bhatti.

Pheray was a big musical hit and became Pakistan's first ever Silver Jubilee film. It was screened in Lahore for 25 weeks at Palace Cinema and in Karachi for 5 weeks at Taj Mahal cinema. Cinema.


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Bluray, DVD

Streaming / VOD

Source : Wikidata


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