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Aabroo est un film réalisé par Nazir avec Nazir

Aabroo (1943)

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Durée 1h38
Réalisé par
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Aabroo (meaning 'reputation') is a Bollywood film. It was released in 1943. The film was directed by Nazir and starred Sitara Devi, Yakub, Masud, Nazir Ahmed, Laddan and Chandabai. The music was composed by Pandit Gobindram.

Nazir had starred with Sitara Devi earlier in Baagbaan (1938) and when he re-launched his banner 'Hind Pictures' in 1943, he offered a partnership to Sitara Devi. She acted in all the five films produced by Hind Pictures that year. Four of them including Aabroo co-starred Nazir while one (Salma) had Ishwarlal opposite her.


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Note16% 0.8419750.8419750.8419750.8419750.841975
A young, simple girl is caught in the cross-fire of a deep-rooted sibling rivalry between her upright husband and her scheming brother-in-law. The brother-in-law exploits the girl's naiveté and trusting nature to falsely implicate her husband in a corruption case, and turns husband against wife by wrongly vilifying her character.
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Genres Drame
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