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Noor Mohammed Charlie est un Acteur né le 1 juillet 1911

Noor Mohammed Charlie

Noor Mohammed Charlie
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Nom de naissance Noor Mohammed Memon
Naissance 1 juillet 1911
Mort 30 juin 1983 (à 71 ans)

Noor Mohammed Charlie (1911–1983), popularly known as Charlie was an actor born on 1 July 1911 in Ranavav village, Porbandar, Saurashtra, India. Best known for his comedy roles, he was the first 'star' comedian and has been referred to as India's first comedy king. He acted with several top actresses of those days as a comic hero. Being a great fan of Charlie Chaplin, he took the name "Charlie" as his screen name following the release of his popular film The Indian Charlie (1933). He had a successful career in pre-partition India from 1925–1946. His shift to Pakistan following partition saw his career going down with less than 12 films. He shifted to the US to live with his son and returned later to Pakistan where he died in 1983.

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Source : Wikidata

Filmographie de Noor Mohammed Charlie (9 films)

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Acchut (1940)
, 2h20
Réalisé par Chandulal Shah
Genres Drame, Historique
Acteurs Gohar, Motilal, Noor Mohammed Charlie, Thanjavur Ranganayaki Rajakumari

When Lakshmi (Gohar), the daughter of a Harijan, fetches water from a temple an infuriated Pujari (priest) breaks the pot on her head. This incident, plus several other injustices that he has faced, forces the father to adopt Christianity into which he brings Lakshmi. The mother refuses to become one and continues to remain a Hindi along with her other child. A rich businessman, Seth Haridas, adopts Lakshmi and she becomes a friend to his daughter, Savitri. Lakshmi gets a good education and the two girls grow up to fall in love with the same man, Madhukar. As Madhukar comes from a high caste family, the Seth, in order to get his daughter married to him informs Madhukar's family of Lakshmi's background. Lakshmi returns to her mother in the village, where she meets Ramu (Motilal (actor)|Motilal]]), the boy to whom she had been wed as a child. The two get together and rebel against the atrocities against the untouchables (Harijans). The message finally gets through and they are allowed to enter the temple.
Thokar (1938)

Réalisé par Abdur Rashid Kardar
Acteurs Noor Mohammed Charlie, Ramchandra Purushottam Marathe, Yakub, K. N. Singh (Krishan Niranjan Singh)
Rôle Ramesh

Mohan is a poor blind villager taking care of his ward Radha, who is in love with him. The village tramp, Ramesh (Charlie) sells him a lottery ticket. To Mohan's astonishment, he wins the sweep-stakes but Ramesh wants his share. Ramesh takes Mohan to the city with the intention of getting his eyes treated. In the city, Ramesh deviously gets Mohan married off to a prostitute who is having an affair with Ramesh. When Mohan's eyesight is restored, he sees his wealth diminishing, and an adulterous wife. He takes revenge on Ramesh and his wife. Mohan finally returns to the village and to Radha.
Acteurs Noor Mohammed Charlie, Mehboob Khan

An evil minister wants to kill the young boy Chandrahasa who escapes the minister’s killers. Several years later the minister finds Chandrahasa and sends him as a messenger to the king with a letter. The letter asks the king to poison the messenger. On the way a young princess finds him sleeping and reads the letter. She rewords the letter and changes Vish (poison) to Vishya, which is her name. The king on receiving the letter gets Chandrahasa married to the princess.