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Acchut est un film de genre Drame réalisé par Chandulal Shah avec Gohar

Acchut (1940)

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Durée 2h20
Réalisé par
Genres Drame,    Historique

Achhut (Untouchable) is a 1940 social Indian Bollywood film based on untouchability. It was the third highest grossing Indian film of 1940. The film was produced by Chandulal Shah for his Ranjit Studios. He also wrote the story and screenplay, and directed it. Achhut's premiere was attended by Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel on 23 December 1939, who stated "If the picture helps India to remove this curse, it can be said to have helped India India to win Swaraj as untouchability is one of the chief obstacles in the road to freedom".

The film had Motilal and Gohar in the main lead with, Sitara Devi, Mazhar Khan, Noor Mohammed Charlie, Vasanti and Rajkumari playing important roles. The music was by Gyan Dutt (Jnan Dutt), with lyrics by Raghunath Brahmabhatt. The cinematography was by Krishna Gopal.

The film was made to "promote Gandhi's movement against untouchability". The film was initially released in the Gujarati version on 23 December 1939.


When Lakshmi (Gohar), the daughter of a Harijan, fetches water from a temple an infuriated Pujari (priest) breaks the pot on her head. This incident, plus several other injustices that he has faced, forces the father to adopt Christianity into which he brings Lakshmi. The mother refuses to become one and continues to remain a Hindi along with her other child. A rich businessman, Seth Haridas, adopts Lakshmi and she becomes a friend to his daughter, Savitri. Lakshmi gets a good education and the two girls grow up to fall in love with the same man, Madhukar. As Madhukar comes from a high caste family, the Seth, in order to get his daughter married to him informs Madhukar's family of Lakshmi's background. Lakshmi returns to her mother in the village, where she meets Ramu (Motilal (actor)|Motilal]]), the boy to whom she had been wed as a child. The two get together and rebel against the atrocities against the untouchables (Harijans). The message finally gets through and they are allowed to enter the temple.


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