Raani Samyuktha is a Tamil language film directed by D. Yoganand. The film features M. G. Ramachandran, Padmini and M. G. Chakrapani in lead roles. The film was based on B. Sampathkumar's Prithvirajan released in 1942 and starred by P. U. Chinnappa and A. Sakunthala.
The film, produced by A. C. Pillai, had musical score by K. V. Mahadevan and was released on 14 January 1962. However, the film didn't do well at box-office and was flop.Synopsis
Prithvirajan (MGR) falls in love when he sees a portrait of princess Samyuktha (Padmini). To insult him, her father Jayachandran (MG Chakrapani) instals his statue at the entrance to the palace hall where the ‘swayamvara' (a ceremony to choose the bridegroom) by the princess is to take place. Getting wind of it, Prithvirajan rushes to the spot on a horse and carries away his sweetheart, while others present watch shocked and stunned.