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Sabar Uparey est un film de genre Drame réalisé par Agradoot avec Uttam Kumar

Sabar Uparey (1955)

Sabar Uparey
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Réalisé par
Genres Drame,    Policier,    Romance
Note75% 3.7806053.7806053.7806053.7806053.780605

Sabar Uparey ( Bengali: সবার উপরে; English:Beyond All) is a 1955 Indian Bengali film noir directed by Agradoot, based on A.J. Cronin's 1953 novel, Beyond This Place. It starred acclaimed actors Uttam Kumar and Suchitra Sen in leading roles. Chhabi Biswas, Pahadi Sanyal and Nitish Mukherjee also play important roles in the movie.


Prashanta Chatterjee (Chhabi Biswas) is sentenced to life imprisonment after the alleged murder of Hemangini, a lady based in Krishnanagar whom he is accused of loving and then dumping and murdering heinously.


Uttam Kumar

(Shankar Chatterjee)
Suchitra Sen

(Rita Mukherjee)
Chhabi Biswas

(Prashanta Chatterjee (Shankar's father))
Kali Banerjee
Pahari Sanyal

(Rita's brother, a journalist)
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This script must be run from the command line
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