Sathyam is a Tamil/Telugu action film directed by debutante A. Rajasekhar, an associate of Suresh Krishna. The film stars Vishal in the role of a cop for the first time. Nayantara plays the female lead role, while Kannada actor Upendra plays the role of the antagonist. The film's score and soundtrack are composed by Harris Jayaraj. The film released on 15 August 2008 coinciding with Independence Day.Despite getting mixed reviews it become a hit at the box office The film is produced by Vikram Krishna, Vishal's brother.
The film was dubbed and simultaneously released in Telugu as Salute.Synopsis
Sathyam begins with Sathyam (Vishal), an assistant police commissioner rescuing a hooligan from encounter thirsty cops, only to arrest him later. He reminds his fellow cops that a cop's duty is to kill crime not criminals. Sathyam meets his first challenge in tracking a mysterious killer of three ministers. In the process, he finds the culprit Manickvel (Upendra), only to receive a rude shock to know his identity.