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Savyasachi est un film de genre Action avec Shiva Rajkumar

Savyasachi (1994)

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Durée 2h20
Genres Action

Savyasachi (Kannada: ಸವ್ಯಸಾಚಿ) is a 1995 Indian Kannada action drama film directed by M. S. Rajashekar.The movie is based on Kannada novel of same name by Vijay Sasanur. The film features Shivarajkumar and Prema, making her acting debut, in the lead roles. The film's soundtrack and score is composed by Sadhu Kokila.


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Réalisé par M. D. Sridhar
Genres Action, Policier, Romance
Thèmes Gangsters
Acteurs Darshan, Pranitha Subhash, Ashish Vidyarthi, Avinash, Sadhu Kokila, Srujan Lokesh
Note52% 2.6166152.6166152.6166152.6166152.616615
Alibhai (Ashish Vidyarthi) is a mafia don and Darshan is a rowdy ready to do any dirty task for money.He comes to Alibhai's gang. He killed many people in the mafia secretly. Anjali (Pranitha Subhash) loves Darshan who saves her from a policeman who intends to make her his wife. Alibhai comes from Dubai and kills the father and brother of Darshan,little knowing that Darshan is a cop. Finally, Dashan kills Alibhai and destroys his gang.