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Say It with Diamonds est un film de genre Drame réalisé par Jack Nelson avec Betty Compson

Say It with Diamonds (1927)

Say It with Diamonds
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Réalisé par
Genres Drame

Say It with Diamonds is a 1927 silent film drama starring Betty Compson and Earle Williams, an early Vitagraph leading man and matinee idol. It was directed by Jack Nelson and Arthur Gregor. Earle Williams final film before his death in April 1927.

Prints are held at the Library of Congress and George Eastman House.

^ The AFI Catalog of Feature Films: Say It with Diamonds

^ The Library of Congress American Silent Feature Film Survival Catalog: Say It with Diamonds


Betty Compson

(Betty Howard)
Earle Williams

(Horace Howard)
Armand Kaliz

(Armand Armour)
Bande annonce de Say It with Diamonds

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Source : Wikidata


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