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Scusate il ritardo est un film de genre Comédie réalisé par Massimo Troisi avec Massimo Troisi

Scusate il ritardo (1983)

Scusate il ritardo
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Durée 1h52
Réalisé par
Genres Comédie
Note73% 3.6626253.6626253.6626253.6626253.662625

Scusate il ritardo (literally Sorry for the delay) is a 1983 Italian comedy film written, directed and starred by Massimo Troisi.

For this film Lina Polito was awarded with a David di Donatello for Best Supporting Actress and Lello Arena was awarded with a David di Donatello for Best Supporting Actor.


Vincent is a thirty year old southern and unemployed. His life unfolds between the cries of his friend Tony, who can not find peace after being dumped by his girlfriend, and troubled history with Anna which is not able to externalize all the feelings and the attention that she seeks instead.


Massimo Troisi

Giuliana De Sio

Lello Arena

Lina Polito

(Patrizia, sorella di Vincenzo)
Bande annonce de Scusate il ritardo

Bluray, DVD

Streaming / VOD

Source : Wikidata


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