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Self Made Lady est un film Britannique de genre Drame réalisé par George King avec Henry Wilcoxon

Self Made Lady (1932)

Self Made Lady
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Durée 1h8
Réalisé par
Genres Drame,    Romance
Note59% 2.9607552.9607552.9607552.9607552.960755

Self Made Lady is a 1932 British drama film directed by George King and starring Heather Angel, Henry Wilcoxon and Amy Veness. It marked the screen debut of Louis Hayward who later became a star in Hollywood. The film was made at the Nettlefold Studios in Walton-on-Thames. Cut down from its original running time of 77 minutes, it was distributed as a second feature by United Artists to allow the company to fulfill its quota requirement.


Henry Wilcoxon

(Bert Taverner)
Heather Angel

(Sookey Roberts)
Amy Veness

(Old Sookey)
Louis Hayward

(Paul Geneste)
Charles Cullum

(Lord Max Mariven)
Patricia Cutts

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Source : Wikidata


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