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She's My Weakness est un film américain de genre Comédie avec Sue Carol

She's My Weakness (1930)

She's My Weakness
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Durée 1h10
Genres Comédie,    Comédie romantique,    Romance
Note49% 2.4645952.4645952.4645952.4645952.464595

She's My Weakness is a 1930 American Pre-Code romantic comedy film, directed by Melville W. Brown (assisted by Dewey Starkey), and starring Sue Carol and Arthur Lake. The screenplay was written by J. Walter Ruben, based on the Broadway play, Tommy, by Howard Lindsay and Bertrand Robinson.


Tommy Mills wants to marry his girlfriend, Marie Thurber, but cannot afford it. When he inherits a piece of property, he plans on selling it in order to facilitate the marriage. However, Marie is also being pursued by Bernard Norton, who is not as seemingly dull as Tommy. Marie's parents would prefer their daughter to marry Tommy, but things get complicated when Marie's father, Warren, needs to sell a piece of property he owns in order to get himself out of financial difficulty. The town is interested in both pieces, but will only purchase one of them.


Sue Carol

(Miss Marie Thurber)
Arthur Lake

(Tommy Mills)
Lucien Littlefield

(Warren Thurber)
William Collier Sr.

(David Tuttle)
William Collier Sr

(David Tuttle)
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